The Examination of civil services twenty thousand and eighteen is just a few months away. The candidates appearing must be prepared and must be engrossed in studies by now. As per the guidelines, one must always keep the syllabus handy for reference time and again if the candidate is going on the right track.
The Paper one general studies consist of the following they are: Current events of national and International Importance followed by History of India and Indian National Moment, Followed by Indian and World Geography, Indian policy and governance, economic and social developments and general issues on environmental ecology, biodiversity. The paper two consists of comprehension, interpersonal skills including the communication skills, logical reasoning and analytical ability, decision making and problem-solving m general mental ability, Basic numeracy. The trend of the analysis o past question papers tells us that the maximum weight is given to current affairs and geography. So get an understanding of the way the questions are covered from each chapter, analysis or evaluation of questions are advisable. The IAS academy in Chennai would let you know in detail the syllabus for preparing well in the examination.